Voter Registration

You can register to vote in town if you are 18 years of age, a citizen of the United States and a resident of Tuftonboro.  New Hampshire does not have a length of residency requirement, but you can claim only one place as your residence for voting purposes.

"Registering to Vote in New Hampshire" provides further details on these requirements.

Registering to vote requires proof of age, citizenship, and domicile, by document or affidavit.

You may register to vote at the Town Clerk's office up to 10 days before any election. - The town clerk's office is in the Town Hall at 240 Middle Road, Tuftonboro. You will be required to fill out a standard voter registration form and will be asked to show proof of ID, age, citizenship and domicile. 

You may also register to vote with the Supervisors of the Checklist. They are required to meet at designated times to accept registrations and changes in party affiliation. - These times are posted at the Tuftonboro Town Hall, on the Town Website and in the Granite State News. The Supervisors of the Checklist will hold sessions for additions and corrections of the checklist at the Town Hall at 240 Middle Road.

In addition, New Hampshire has a same-day voter registration law, which enables you to register to vote at the polling place on Election Day. Tuftonboro’s polling location is: Tuftonboro Town House, 247 Middle Road, Tuftonboro (not the Town Office) - Be aware this will take extra time.